Ugarit Cultural Center
Name and seat
The association bears the name “Ugarit Kulturzentrum”.
It is to be registered in the association register (……).
The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes‘ Ab of the tax code.
The seat of the association is Mainz.
Purpose of the association
The purpose of the association is
– The promotion of art and culture through seminars, lectures, literary evenings, music, art events, … etc.
– The promotion of youth and child welfare.
– Promoting interaction and openness between multicultural people.
– Contribution to activating the role of the Arab community and its integration in German society. In this context, the center strives to contribute to the development of the concept of integration and to provide new visions
Public Benefit
The association is selfless, it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. The association’s funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive any payments from the association’s funds. No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration. (The non-profit status was certified on May 17th, 2017 by the Mainz-Mitte tax office under tax number 26/675/1586/9.)
The association is financed through membership fees, donations and grants.
Financial Year
The association’s financial year is the calendar year
Acquisition of membership:
Anyone who accepts and adheres to the statutes can become a member, and the board of directors also approves the membership.
Termination of Membership
– Membership can be revoked by the general assembly if a member acts contrary to the public vision of the goals of the center contained in the statutes.
– Membership expires through death, resignation, through exclusion of the member or through loss of legal capacity in the case of legal entities.
Membership fees
The members are obliged to pay the annual membership fee, which is determined by the general meeting. The contribution for the current year is due for payment in the 1st quarter or within 8 weeks after entry.
organs of the center:
Organs of the association are:
– The board of directors.
– The general meeting.
Board :
– The board consists of five members:
– the first chairman,
– the second chairman,
– the secretary,
– the treasurer
– an assessor
– members are elected to their functions by the general assembly.
– The association is represented in court and out of court by the board members individually.
– The board of directors is to be convened regularly every month. It is to be convened as an exception if two thirds of the members of the Board of Directors request it.
– The board makes its decisions with a two-thirds majority of the members who are present.
– The board carries out the work plan, the visions and the goals that were decided by the general assembly.
– The chairman of the board is responsible for coordinating the work of the board.
– The chairperson is not entitled to remain in office for more than two consecutive years.
– The secretary coordinates and organizes the administrative tasks of the center and represents the chairperson in the event of his / her absence.
– The treasurer is responsible for the association’s finances.
– The office of a member of the board ends after the end of the financial year or when he leaves the association. If a member resigns before the end of his term of office, the board elects a substitute member for the remainder of the resigned member’s term of office.
General Assembly
It is convened by the chairman at least once a year with a written notification of the agenda at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. The chairman leads the meeting.
– The general assembly is to be called as an exception if two thirds of the general assembly request it.
– The general assembly consists of all members of the association.
– The general assembly discusses the reports, administrative and financial activities etc. presented by the board.
– The general assembly discusses and decides on the work plan, visions and goals for the next year
– The general assembly elects the board members every year
– The general assembly can change the statutes and decide with a two-thirds majority of the members present7- The general assembly makes its decisions with a two-thirds majority of the attendants
– The chairman of the board is responsible for coordinating the work of the board.
– The chairperson is not entitled to remain in office for more than two consecutive years.
– The secretary coordinates and organizes the administrative tasks of the center and represents the chairperson in the event of his / her absence.
– The treasurer is responsible for the association’s finances.
– The office of a member of the board ends after the end of the financial year or when he leaves the association. If a member resigns before the end of his term of office, the board elects a substitute member for the remainder of the resigned member’s term of office.
– The general assembly elects two auditors annually. The cash auditors have the task of checking invoices as well as their correct booking and the use of funds and, in particular, to determine the use of funds in accordance with the statutes and taxation.
– The auditors report to the ordinary general assembly. The re-election of an auditor is permitted once.
Dissolution of the association
– If the association is dissolved or annulled, or if tax-privileged individuals cease to exist, the association’s assets go to the Schillerschule-Mainz sponsoring association, which has to use them directly and exclusively.
– These statutes were changed by the founding meeting on January 25, 2018